Birthday boy
Today is Jae Sun’s birthday, and also the 8th anniversary of his first doll shell’s arrival… so eight years ago on this date I received my first ever BJD, Dream of Doll’s U. I can’t believe it’s been eight years already… in a few years I’ve been in this hobby for a decade. Wow, so bizarre. x’D But anyway, I try to take photos of my dolls on their respective birthdays, if I can… so, of course I went photo happy with Jae today. Perhaps it would’ve made more sense to photograph U!Jae, but I’m currently trying to sell his old body in order to afford a new one that will have a better match with the super white Narin!Jae, so… mmyeah. Also, I’ve photographed U!Jae tons over the years, while Narin!Jae is pretty new, so… x’D Well, let’s face it, in terms of photography, I find the new more grown up versions more inspiring. I may not feel like photographing the old DOC versions much anymore, but they’re still very dear to me. ♥
But anyway, here are some photos. I decided to include Yun into the photos… and styled her according to her teenage look, lol. x’D Because as grown ups these two aren’t really talking to each other… becaaaause before Yun met Cin, she was quite hung up on Jae and tried to sabotage his relationship with Riya by sleeping with him… soooo while Jae and Yun don’t really dislike each other (though both of them regret that the cheating thing happened), Riya is pretty hostile towards Yun. x’D ’cause she and Jae almost broke up thanks to that… well, they got back together later and got married, but she still holds a grudge. And, well, Cin wouldn’t be too pleased about Yun and Jae meeting again either.
BUT YEAH… these are something from the past. ’cause it couldn’t happen at the present time. x’D Well, actually, in present time Jae is a widower (as Riya dies in the story in summer 2013) but these two still wouldn’t get back together… not now that Yun has Cin. She loves him more than she’s loved anyone else, so… even though she used to think of Jae as the love of her life, he’s not that anymore. And, well, Jae doesn’t love Yun anymore either… he’s much too in love with Riya. I don’t know if he’ll find a new love after her. I’m thinking he’ll rather focus on bringing up their daughter.
… uhh, I ended up rambling about gloomy things. xD;;;; Maybe I’ll just post the photos here, ahem…
I love this beach look on Jae, though it also makes me very confused… since he’s borrowing Hisa’s body, which is waaaay too muscular for him. Jae’s supposed to be a scrawny guy, haha. x’D I bet he won’t appreciate when someday I get his own body for him, and he’ll be shorter and much less muscular, lol~