Trying to get my sewing inspiration back… I see all these adorable mori girl dresses for sale but mehh can’t afford to buy them. The other week I bought this awesome fabric in black and at home thought that damn, this would be really nice for mori-inspired dresses… so this Monday I went back and bought it in this peachy colour, too. I’ve been itching to try it out, so today I figured I’d experiment with it a bit. I didn’t really plan this dress much, just cut some pieces and sewed it together. But I’m pretty pleased with it anyway.
Next I need to start working on sales clothing… I have pieces cut already, I just need to sew them together. It just seems like an overwhelming task at the moment… ~__~;;
No detail photos ’cause it was getting dark already and it’s for my personal collection anyway, so…
Status: Not for sale