Did I spook you?
I’ve been busy with uni and other RL stuff lately so this blog has been quite neglected. Σ(゚ロ゚」)」 But I haven’t lost hope with all the backlogged posts yet, I’ll have them up eventually! Yeah… (-∀-`; )
But well, I wanted to do something for Halloween, even though I’m not really a big fan of the holiday (in my childhood nobody even celebrated it in Finland). But aaanyway, I came up with this small dorky story, since Yenna‘s Aoto is visiting~ ( ´艸`)
Sachi is such an embarrassing sister, lol~ (*≧▽≦)ノシ)) Although, this isn’t the first time that Aoto has had to deal with her.
And some extras:
Ahahah, I’m sure Aoto can’t wait to go back home again…( ´∀`)
Oh my what a cute little photo story~ They look like a sweet pair of siblings. (●´∀`●)
Hehe, thank you~ ^^
Alasse Carnesir
Lovely photos of these two. I enjoyed the little photo story. That magnifying glass is really quite cute. I love that Azone dolls come with such neat little accessories.
Thank you! ^^ Yeah, Azone has some really cute & fun details for their dolls’ clothes and accessories. x3
Iih, nää kaksi on niin ihania! ♥
Hihi, Aoto vaan toivoisi ettei häntä sotkettaisi tällaisiin kuvioihin. XD