
Embrace the Cold

Finally, the last one of the backlog shoots that I took when I was at my parents’!! Ugh, it took way too long to edit all of these, lol… next time I need to take less photos. :’D But anyway, since I’d taken Kotori out twice already, I figured it was about time for big sis to get some attention, too… only the 20th, when I took these photos, it was REALLY cold! Around -20°C which was the coldest weather that we’d had so far… even though I was out for only about half an hour max and never took my gloves off either, my fingers froze completely. Took me over 10 minutes to get them warm again when I returned indoors. >.<,;; But I like how the photos turned out anyway... so it wasn't all for nothing, haha. xD

Kotone is such a cutie~ >u< My precious girl! ♥ 


Valtteri didn’t appreciate me giving him a friend. x’D


  • Heather

    Lovely photos! It’s good your camera didn’t freeze too! XD

    I do love this one… I love all the Mori “M” sisters… they just turned out so cute!!

    • mizya

      Thank you! :3 ♥

      Haha, yeah. xD Well, I’ve photographed in -27°C in the past and haven’t managed to freeze myself or my camera, which is why it was a little weird that now -20°C felt so cold! I guess it’s because we haven’t had proper cold weather this winter, so when it gets colder than -10°C, it feels super cold. :’D But I do always let my camera warm up for a whole before I start it when I come back indoors, just to be on the safe side!

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