
Graceful arrival

Eepp, I’m really excited to introduce today’s arrival! (´∇ノ`*)ノ ♥ A while ago I got very lucky while browsing Y!J and managed to buy a doll that I didn’t think would pop up for sale for a reasonable price anytime soon~ The doll in question is one of my huge favourites from Azone’s dolls, so I was very excited when I found her and was able to win her (yaay for buy it now prices, no bid wars!) and today I was even more excited when I finally got the package in my hands~ ヾ( ≧ ω≦ )ノ” Those of you who follow me on instagram already know which doll it is – and, well, I already spammed a couple of photos in twitter and flickr as well. But let’s try to keep up the suspense for a bit, ahah! (・∀・;)

Let’s open the box and see what’s inside, shall we?

Apparently it was a very fragile box, lol! ( ´艸`) Iru is showing the scale… you can probably guess that it’s not a picconeemo nor a pureneemo now.
When I opened the shipper, I laughed a bit ’cause my buying service had recommended adding protective packaging. (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖ Yeah, I think the doll was perfectly protected with all that padding!
If you’re familiar with Azone’s big girls, you can almost guess which one is in the package based on this view. It’s the first release of Alice, but… which one?(๑°艸°๑)
Even after removing the padding from the shipper and the bubblewrap on the doll box, there was still a plastic bag to take off. Veeeery well packaged, this doll. (´∀`) Also, the tape was super cute! ♥
A better view of the lovely box~ (人*´∀`)
The top cover slides off and there’s a basic white box that has a lid… so you still couldn’t see the doll at this point.
If the stamp on the box didn’t give it away already, then here it’s pretty clear which version of Alice my girl is – and whoa, even more bubblewrap and plastic bags inside the doll box too! Σ(`・Д・ノ)ノ
From the backside of the box, a photo of my newest cutie: the limited version of Time of Grace Alice (first release) with the all-white outfit and white hair~ (灬♥ω♥灬)
Alice had a bunch of paperwork with her: the usual one that you get with Pureneemos and Picconeemos as well, instructions for dressing her (as usually the big dolls come nude – mine was dressed because I bought her second hand and she’d been displayed in her dress), a smaller leaflet and a bigger leaflet.
The big leaflet has photos of both versions. I’m guessing this might’ve been an ad that you could pick up from Azone’s store? (・・。)ゞ
The smaller leaflet has the pieces of her outfit listed and also a story but I was too lazy to photograph it for now. (( ´∀`;)) Maybe if I translate it someday, I’ll photograph it as well. I got the complete fullset apart from the headband.
When I flipped over the instructions for dressing her, there were instructions for removing the neck mechanism from the head and putting the head onto the body, as well as instructions for hands and some styling tips for the hair.
But now, onto Alice herself! Poor girl was covered in plastic bags, ahah… (・∀・;)
Now I can get a better look at her. So cute~ (♡´❍`♡)*✧ ✰ 。* She had a ribbon tied on her head to replace the missing hairband. I’ll have to make her a hairband with a bow myself – thankfully I have the needed supplies for that! (╯•ω•╰)
The bigger Azone girls have Obitsu bodies (and a few have a collab body between Azone and Obitsu, the AZO2 type body that is more curvy) and they have magnets in the feet so they come with these metal stands – very handy! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
As usual, I had to do something about her hair right away, haha… now I can see her cute face even better~ (人´ω`*)♡ The hair is super easy to style on these bigger Azones because they’re… well, bigger! (๑´ㅂ`๑) With the smaller dolls it’s more challenging to get the bangs to stay parted neatly like this without any products. I did put a bit of Volks wax into Alice’s hair, though.
I really love Alice’s face, she’s my favourite among Azone’s big girls! (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡ Her eyes are really pretty and I love, love, love that kitty-ish mouth~ So cute, nyuuu~! (♡ >ω< ♡)
Put her shoes on… the stand no longer helped with shoes on, probably because the soles are so thick and the magnets aren’t super strong. But she stands very well on her own, too. After handling Dollfie Dreams, the soft & squishy Obitsu torso feels a bit funny, ahah~( ´∀`)
Speaking of DDs, I had to compare Alice to Ren. Alice is on the 48cm tall Obitsu body, so Ren on her DDdy body is a whole lot taller! (。’▽’。)♡
Front view. I can’t handle how she’s like a giant neemo, BUT also so much smaller in comparison to my DDs~ Too cute!! (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡

I wanted to compare Iru’s hair to Alice’s, since they’re my white haired girls. Alice’s hair is a tad more warm in tone, although it’s not very obvious IRL and it’s even more difficult to notice in photos. The white fiber is super shiny and reflects colours like whoa~ It’s really pretty! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

I’m so happy to have this girl at home, my gosh! (/∇\*)。o○♡ I already thought that Alice is super cute in photos but wow, in person she’s even cuter! Such a sweetheart and gosh, I really love her outfit~ ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡°◌̊ I can’t wait to have the green pureneemo version of this dress! I’d also love to get the white one in Picconeemo size for Iru and then a blue version for Alice if I could get my hands on some extra cash and the dresses are still available~ ♥ At first I thought that it’s a bit of a shame that this Alice is all white, but… there’s something really charming about all-white dolls. And I mean, I tend to dress Iru in all whites, too, so I wonder if the same will happen with Alice now, ahah… it’s entirely possible. She definitely looks great in white and those pretty teal blue eyes really pop up thanks to all the whiteness, too! (*´ ˘ `*).。oO ( ♡ )

For a long time I kept calling this girl Arisu ’cause I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to add her into my Azone family at all, so I didn’t have a name nor a character already picked out for her. I mean, Azone did release a new version of Alice just recently, Time of Grace II ~A dream of Princess~, but I wasn’t a big fan of the outfit (the fabric of the dress looks somehow really cheap to me and reminds me of some of the barbie dresses I had as a kid) nor the fact that she had a wig. ( ´△`) For customisable dolls like DDs, when you can paint their faces and change the eyes, I like using wigs… but since Azone dolls have these decal faces, I like them more with rooted hair. Also, the wigs looked somehow really poofy, while rooted hair is sleek and makes her head look more dainty. So yeah, I figured that I’ve got to hunt down this older release if I want to have Alice – and luckily I found her! ♥~(‘▽^人)

But yeah, the name that I eventually decided on for her is Hisame, 氷雨, which means “chilly rain”. I thought that a name that would have something to do with winter, snow or ice would suit her because she’s all white and then has those pretty teal blue eyes~ ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)˚๐*˟ ♡ Her nickname is Ame-chan, because I already have Hisoka who is nicknamed Hisa, haha. (´つヮ⊂)

But gosh, I really like this girl! o(≧∇≦o) ♥ The Obitsu body took a bit of getting used to because it’s a little different from DDs, obviously – especially the torso that is this really soft and squishy vinyl and it bends super easily like whoa – but once you get the hang of it, it’s a really nice body and poses great! I’ll have to take some posing photos when I have time~ ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪ Also, the size is very nice to handle, especially since I started the doll hobby with 41~45cm resin dolls in 2005 and the 40~50cm range has always been my favourite, so Ame-chan at 48cm is a really nice size! (´∀`)♡ A fun fact of the Obitsu 48cm body is that her feet are really small: she can wear MSD BJD shoes. Some of the shoes that I have are a bit tight, but fit nicely. Her own shoes are quite roomy in comparison to MSD shoes… but then SD shoes for DDs and 60cm+ resin girls would be waaaay too big for this girl.

Later I braided Ame’s hair and it took me over an hour because I wanted her braids to be as neat as possible. Σ(´゚ω゚` ) I also wanted to avoid having a bald spot at the back of her head, so I spent a while combing and arranging the fibers.

I took a couple of photos with a backdrop. She looks soooo cute with braids! ヾ(o≧∀≦o)ノ゙ ♥
Really, just… too cute!! I’m completely smitten with this girl~ ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡


  • Chuiga

    Uhuhuu, se on niin söötti apua en kestä (>//////<)! En ikinä tiennyt että isommatkin nuket Azonelta heittäisivät tälläisen tunteen, apua. Ihana kaunokainen <3

    • mizya

      Ihan samat ajatukset on minulla, kun tuota katselee~ On se vaan niin suloinen! >u< ? Onneksi sattui löytymään hyvään hintaan, olen tästä tytöstä niin iloinen! Hengaa tässä minun tietokonepöydällä suuren osan ajasta, kun sen katseleminen vaan tekee niin onnelliseksi. :'3 Minäkään en alkuunsa ollut kovin innostunut näistä isoista - koska alkuunsa näin lähinnä vaan jotain animehahmoja ja ne ei hirveästi kiinnosta minua nukkeina... mutta sitten kun yksi päivä tylsistyksissäni tein tutkimusta että millaisia nassuja siellä Azonen omissa hahmoissa on tarjolla, niin huomasin että onhan täällä muutamia tosi söpöjä tyttöjä, aapuva. >A>;; Alice sitten valikoitui semmoiseksi “tuo on PAKKO saada joskus” yksilöksi. Mutta varmaan pari muutakin saattaa tulevaisuudessa kotiutua, jos vaan löytyy järkevään hintaan… u__u;;

    • mizya

      Se onnn! ;u; ? Ja juu, tuo suu on ihan mahdottoman ihana! Voi voi kun jonkun pureneemo tytön tekisivät tuommoisella suulla, olisi kyllä aivan vastustamaton ilmestys. XD

  • Alasse Carnesir

    Oh wow, congrats! I’ve always wanted to see what the bigger Azone girls were like. She looks quite angelic. I love that you braided her hair too.

    So the AZ02 body type is essentially the 48cm Obitsu body? I have one of those and I love it to bits. It took a while for me to get used to the squishy torso too but it does make being able to sit her so much easier because of the flexibility of that softer vinyl.

    Thank you for the comparison with the DD. I had been wondering how this body would compare with the DD body. I had been debating getting a DD head for the 50cm Obitsu body at some distant point in the future so it was good to have a comparison of the size between them.

    • mizya

      Thank you! ^^ Yeah, there’s something really charming about ther all-white appearance… I don’t know if I can bring myself to dress her in anything but white – well, light blues and grays would most likely suit her as well~ ?

      If I’ve understood right, AZO2 body has the arms and legs of the Obitsu 50cm body (and the 48cm body is otherwise the same as the 50cm, but it only has shorter calves) but the torso has been modified. The bust is a bit different from Obitsu’s large bust and the waist is shorter and the hips wider. A friend of mine has the AZO2 body, we’re planning on doing a comparison of Alice’s 48cm Obitsu body and the AZO2 body when we get together. :3

      Yeah, the squishy torso felt a bit funny at first, but I also noticed that she’s able to bend her torso way more in comparison to my DDs! You can make really compact sitting poses with the Obitsu body, she can almost curl into a ball. x3 The double-jointed elbow and knee joints are pretty nice, too! I like the extra-poseability that those bring. I’m not too bothered by their looks either, but then again – joints don’t bother me on resin BJDs either. ^^

      And you’re welcome! Along with the AZO2 comparison, we’re gonna do a more extensive comparison of these Obitsu bodies with DDdy, DD and DDS bodies – hopefully sooner than later. I was supposed to visit my friend today but caught the spring flu, so I’m stuck home, unfortunately… -.-;;;

  • Kaisu / Xaya

    Ihan todella luulin tätä Neemoksi! Ihana! Ja minäkin tykkään tuosta kisu-suusta! :D Enpä ole seurannut näitä isompia tyttöjä Azonelta juuri lainkaan kun aina kauhistelen mielessäni sitä hintaa satojatuhansia yenejä. xD Siihen jotenkin pitää tottua että ne on niin suuria summia vaikka eipä ne sitten ole niin kauheita kun kääntää euroiksi. :D Ihana, suurenmoiset onnittelut!

    • mizya

      Aww~ xD No se voi kyllä hämätä kun sitä kuvaa itsekseen, mutta jos neemon tai DD:n laittaa viereen niin totuus paljastuu. :’D Joo, näiden hinnat jälkimarkkinoilla voi olla jotain älytöntä, niinkun tätä kyseistä limited Alicea aiemmin näin 88000-120000 yenin hintaan myynnissä… ei ihan semmosiin summiin veny kukkaro. u__u;; Onneksi viimein löytyi huokeammalla hinnalla ja sain tytön kotiutettua. Sitä blonditukkaista ja siniasuista normaalia versiota löytyy useammin myynnissä hintahaarukalla 40000-78000 yeniä.

      Mutta tosiaan, alkuperäiset hinnat näille isoille tytöille on yleensä siellä 43000-50000 yenin paikkeilla eli jotain 350~420 euroa riippuen valuuttakursseista (joskus halvempia tai kalliimpia riippuen siitä kuinka mutkikas asusetti tulee mukana), että jos Hobby Searchilta tms saa suoraan tilattua kun nukke tulee tilattavaksi, niitä saa ihan hyvään hintaan. Jälkimarkkinoilla usein hinta sitten kohoaa sinne 60000-80000 yeniin, riippuen siitä kuinka haluttu nukke on kyseessä ja kuinka pitkä aika julkaisusta on.

      Jos siis kiinnostaa iso neemo, kannattaa seurata Azonen uutisia, että josko olisi tulossa joku kivannäköinen tyttö lähiaikoina tilattavaksi. ^_~ Vähän aikaa sitten oli uusi julkaisu Happiness Clover -sarjan Mokasta ja nyt on tilattavissa Black Raven -sarjan Cecily:
      Seuraavaksi uskoisin että voisi tulla uusi julkaisu Black Raven -sarjan Liliasta tai Lulunasta… kun Amanesta tuli uusi julkaisu viime vuoden lopulla, niin on vähän sellainen kutina että seuraavaksi olisi vuorossa jompi kumpi noista kahdesta. Azonen nettisivulla voi selata noiden vanhempien julkaisujen kuvia näillä sivuilla bannereita klikkailemalla: Black Raven, ELLEN / Time of Eternal & Happiness Clover. :3

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