
Little wolf arrives

Today I got home a neemo that I’ve been hunting for for a while: Wolf Koron from the Otogi no Kuni series! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Her original release was around the time I won Mariko from Volks’ lottery so I couldn’t afford to buy Koron. Her price was around 16k yen on Y!J then and I thought that well, it won’t hurt to wait ’til my financial situation is better… but hah, of course, within a short amount of time, her price clumbed up to 20k~26k yen. Just my luck. ( ´△`) Thankfully I was able to find her for 18k after stalking for auctions for a looong time… it was a bit more than I wanted to pay for her, but better than 20k+ at least… (;´Д`)

Anyway, today I’m in a bit of a hurry so I’ll keep this short. (( ´∀`;))

Whoo, an official Azone shipper box! o(*^▽^*)o
Not that pretty packaging paper, lol…
There she is~!(*’∀’人)♥ I really love the boxes for both Korons! But this Wolf version is obviously my favourite, haha!
Out of the box~ I love that wolf hat so much! (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡
Thankfully the story inside the leaflet is exactly the same as for Red Hood Koron, so I don’t have to translate it lol! (*≧▽≦)ノシ)) It’s probably because they’re the same sculpt (Nina & Chisa had small differences in the story because they’re different sculpts, naturally)
So cuuute! (人´ω`*)♡ I wasn’t a fan of gray/silver haired neemos before, but thanks to Swan Lake Raili and this cutie… I absolutely adore silver hair now! ♥
Inside the wolf hat was lots of thread pieces, lol… Tsk tsk! (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖
With the hat on. Nuuuu, so cuute~! ♡(> દ < ༶ )

Koharu came to say hi to her sister! ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

The name that I decided to go for this girl is Soraha, Sora for short. The kanji for her name is 霄晴, which pretty much reads as “clear skies”. ♥ It also matches her sister Koharu’s name 虹晴, which consists of “rainbow” & “clear (weather)”. Sora is really into astronomy and loves looking at the stars, so I wanted to give her a name that is related to the sky~(=´∇`=)

Here’s a photo that I took with a background:


Such a cutie she is~ I’m so happy to have her at home now! ♥

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