
  • Azone

    Auction arrivals

    I’ve been rolling around Y!J again looking for good deals. I still have some stuff in storage waiting in case I manage to win one more auction before I can have them shipped,…

  • Azone

    Azone June releases

    This blog is still backlogged, eheh… I’ve been feeling lazy since my summer holiday began and I’ve just watched anime and K-dramas, ahahahahahah. (-∀-`; ) *fail* I’ll try to get those missing blog…

  • Azone

    A year later…

    I’m sorry that I haven’t replied to comments, I’ve had quite a busy week. I’m also leaving town on Thursday and I’m heading to Helsinki for the weekend (there’s a Dollfie Dream meet…

  • Azone

    Azone, stop it!

    I died a few days ago when I was browsing flickr, as I noticed that Άρτεμις had posted more doll show photos and lo and behold: a new release of Yuzuha!!! (*^ワ^*) BlackxPink…

  • Azone

    Replacement hands

    A few days after Amiami had shipped out my February order, I received an email saying that the B-set of hands that I’d ordered included a wrong pair of hands, so they would…

  • Azone

    Tiny helper arrives

    I got my first Picconeemo home today~ ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ Erunoe has been my favourite of the Lil’ Fairies since the beginning and I’ve been looking for this Chiisana Otetsudai-san version for a while. Well,…

  • Azone,  Dollfie Dream

    Flickr groups

    Since I’ve now ventured into the world of Azones and Dollfie Dreams, I’m on the lookout for a place where I could connect with other hobbyists. Well, there are some international communities, but…

  • Azone

    A Happy child arrives

    I figured I’d better re-size these photos and post them because if I don’t do it now, I’ll never get around to it… I still haven’t posted my Mikasa figma’s arrival photos either,…

  • Azone

    Enter girl energy

    The newest addition to my neemo family arrived today: Say hello to Misaki!! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ♥ She mostly goes by Misa, though. She’s Rika’s best friend and a very energetic…