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Autumn whispers
I made a small photography trip with Mi Cha today because yesterday I finished her new face up. I wiped her face earlier this week ’cause I’ve wanted to re-do it for the…
Backlog XI
I’m so backlogged with this blog that it’s not even funny. x__x I really need to try and get everything organised soon. I’ve been sewing quite a bit lately, so that has taken…
Summer time
I visited Yenna last weekend. On Saturday evening we decided to pack our dolls and cameras and make a trip to look for some nice photography locations. We visited the beach, but there…
Backlog X
I’ve been busy with various things and also had problems with my computer so I haven’t been spending much time online nor had photoshoots as I can only edit a few photos at…
Raining petals
I also took Mi Cha to the park a bit later. Unfortunately it started raining almost right away after I got there, so I didn’t get that many photos. >
Backlog IX
BJD photos that I haven’t posted here yet… I’ve had a lot on my mind lately and had exams ‘n’ stuff so I haven’t had much time for photography. But I’m on my…
Backlog VIII
Some more backlogged random photos… XD;; I really should get around updating this blog regularly. “”oTL Well, perhaps once I’m done with my studies for this semester (end of May). These are mostly…
Backlog VII
Yet another backlog post. I’m leaving for my parents’ place later today to spend Easter there, I’ll have to see if I can get some photos taken while I’m there… I’m still undecided…
The Queen and her companion
Nothing all that special… just took some photos of Nyx and Ceph for a change. The other day my idea didn’t quite work out so I tried again today, although I still didn’t…
The Young couple + friend
I visited Yenna yesterday because I had lots of stuff to bring her and I also wanted to pick up Seiga’s pants + vest from her because he doesn’t have many clothes of…
New boy
I ordered Aiden from Withdoll in the beginning of January and he arrived yesterday. Well, technically I had to go pick him up from the PO myself because the postal service sucks (lazy…
The Red room
Unimaginative title, haha… I’m not feeling very creative today. But yeah, I took some photos of Saki because I haven’t photographed her much yet. Well, she doesn’t have a body of her own,…
Backlog V
Another backlog post… I’ve been doing a lot of sewing lately, so I haven’t taken many photos – nor had the energy to post photos into this blog, haha. xD; These are just…
Winter date
Haha… just when yesterday I’d completely given up and complained that I won’t be able to take any snow photos this winter, because there simply isn’t any. Well, I woke up this morning,…
Black wolf
Well, time to introduce the guy who made a brief appearance in this post. He gets his own post ’cause his head has been hidden away in the back of the showcase for…