Blog related
Blog related posts.
I published some old box opening photos that have been sitting as drafts for… several months, ahah. (( ´∀`;)) I always mean to work on my blog but then I have so much…
Towards the New Year
I’ve been at my parents’ place since the 18th as I came to spend Christmas here. We had a very small celebration amongst just the family like every year… I much prefer that…
Reminder: Helsinki trip in a week! + backlogged posts
Sorry for spamming, but I figured I’d make a small reminder about my trip to Helsinki next weekend, 17th-19th of July. More info: here. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ I have some of…
Break from blogging
As the title says, I’m having a break from blogging as I’m not at home. I arrived yesterday at my parents’ as I’m here to do some renovating and catsitting. Summer has arrived…
Selling a bunch of items!
Blatant advertisement, sorry. But I have a sales page where I’ve listed a bunch of new stuff: one figure, a Dollfie Dream head, Azone clothes and a huge bunch of BJD stuff:…
Mobile version fixed
… more or less, anyway. At least the entries shouldn’t be all over the place anymore. Although, naturally I only have my Samsung SIII mini to test with and the layout looks okay…
New layout
Since it’s a new year and all, I thought I’d renew the blog’s layout. :3 Let’s see how I’ll get along this pale white-gray theme, haha… I generally like darker themes because photos…
This blog is terribly backlogged atm, but I’ll be adding the older missing posts as soon as I have the time & energy. This heat wave that we’re having here in Finland doesn’t…
Obligatory first post
Hello everyone! I’m launching my new blog today. As those of you who have visited my website before have noticed by now, it’s been on a hiatus for quite a long time. I…