Forest fairy
Yesterday me and Yenna made a small bicycle trip and our mission was to find a nice location for photos. We cycled for a while before we stumbled upon this really lovely little…
Amiami April 2016 order
Today we have another big arrival… it’s like Christmas in the middle of summer, lol! o(*>ω<*)o Originally these three figures weren’t going to be released in the same month but two of them…
Two different times, one place
Today’s weather was really nice and I couldn’t resist going out for some photos with the newest arrival, Hibana. Only, other people were enjoying the weather as well and all my usual photo…
Amiami March 2016 order
Today arrived a figure that was an instant pre-order for me. No hesitation, I had to have it! (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡ This particular character is from a series that is by no means…
Amiami February 2016 order
Phew… today I finally got my Amiami February order home. There was a bit of a hassle with it because I went and bought Ame from Y!J so then I had to wait…
Amiami January 2016 order
This blog is so backlogged… although, I have been editing and re-sizing some older photos so that I can post them once I have the time & energy to write posts about them.…
Wonder Festival 2016 Winter
I planned to make a post about this already on Sunday but I spent the day suffering from a migraine, so… didn’t really feel like writing anything and just settled for retweeting stuff…
Birthday haul!
My birthday was yesterday on the 20th and since I had some incoming packages, I tried to pay the ransom for them to the customs office so that I’d get them home in…
Actually a double arrival
I got one package in the morning via EMS and later during the day I found out that I have another waiting for me at the PO, so this ended up becoming a…
The One and only Miku
This week is going to be full of new arrivals, ahah… sorry in advance! (・∀・;) I also still have a post to make about Tracon X and last Friday I visited The Night…
Amiami June order
I got this package yesterday, but I was in a hurry to leave, so I didn’t have time to take that many BO photos, let alone edit them or make a blog post,…
Amiami May order + a bunch of other stuff
Whew! I returned home already on Saturday evening but I was so exhausted from all the travelling and work that I’d been doing for the past week and a half that I had…
Coming soon + ordered!
I’m working on the apple tree park photos slowly but surely… I should have them up by Friday at the latest, I promise! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و I received a shipping notice today, so I thought…
Unlikely duo arrives
I ordered a figma Oshino Shinobu from HLJ a while ago and she was released at the end of April. A bit before her release date HLJ advertised a sale and I decided…
Windy Shore
I still have those backlogged box openings to post, but I thought I’d prioritise some quality content for a change, haha. ( ´∀`) … well, as quality as they can be under the circumstances.…
Double the beauty part II
This blog is all arrivals lately, haha. (・∀・;) But I guess it would just be dead if I didn’t document the box openings. Scenery, please get pretty soon so that I can take…