Autumn whispers
I made a small photography trip with Mi Cha today because yesterday I finished her new face up. I wiped her face earlier this week ’cause I’ve wanted to re-do it for the longest time… but the weather and my summer plans delayed that for quite a bit. But the weather is and has been really nice this week, so I was finally able to paint her (as well as Mihail). :3 At first I was a bit weirded out because of the face up – the eyebrows and eyeliner turned out differently this time – but now I just adore her. She looks so wide-eyed and cutesy~ :D I’ve been watching Korea’s Next Top Model and from that I’ve learned that the Korean beauty ideal is a small face and big eyes, so I think it would make sense that Mi Cha does her make up in a way that makes her eyes look bigger.
But anyway, I also worked on a new outfit for her while I did painting… because the evenings are already getting dark, so painting is too difficult then… I prefer painting in daylight. But yeah, in the evenings I was sewing, so that I’d have a new outfit to go with her fresh face up. ^^ So, today I was inspired to take her outside for a few photos. I hurt my knee last week (again, soon I’m never riding a bicycle again ugh) so my shoot was cut a bit short ’cause my leg couldn’t handle more crouching and crawling, haha. For a couple of these shots I had to balance on some uneven and slippery rocks, I was close to falling into the lake at one point. x’D But well, what wouldn’t I do to get lovely photos?
She’s soooo cute now! >u< ♥ I love my little model princess~
Ahhhhh yes!!! She looks super adorable with her new face, I love it. :D
Hee, thank you!! I’m happy to hear that it’s not just me who thinks so~ xD ♥ I thought that there’d be no way I could be more smitten with this girl than I already was, but seems like I was wrong, lol! I was afraid of redoing her face up for nothing… but still, I always worry that I’m going to suck… :’D
She’s so cute, I love her so much~ =u= ♥ I keep spoiling her with new clothes all the time… but I should probably make something for the boys for a change, they’ve been really neglected. *cough* >_>;;
The pictures are very pretty, I like how you are always making clothes and face ups for your dolls (I have mine blank for over a year ._. I’m super lazy).
Hope your knee gets better!
Aww, thank you~! ^/////^ ♥ Ahh, well, I’m really lazy too… sometimes I get nothing done for months. But then I get this really active phase and I do a lot of sewing or painting at once, haha. xD Like Mihail waited a whole year for a new face up and Mi Cha about six months… >.<;;; But now I finally got them both painted at the same time. I'm terrible when it comes to restringing my dolls, I've been meaning to restring a few for, like, two years now but never get around to it. x'D;; I hate that the most, urgh... getting the tension just right is such a pain. T__T And yeah, I hope so too. .__.;; It kinda sucks that I can't really put weight on my left leg at all because the knee hurts... but the public doctor didn't seem interested in doing anything about it because I can walk and there are no bones broken. :I So I suppose I'm gonna have to go see a private doctor, they never refuse a patient (but it's quite expensive, although luckily my insurance should cover all the costs). There has to be something wrong with it 'cause it still looks swollen and the shape is completely different from my healthy knee (probably a problem within the tissue 'cause the x-rays showed nothing) - and it hurts. -__-;;;