BJD,  Mini crew,  Photography

Fashion in the Woods

Another backlog shoot from my parents’, taken on the 23rd of December. I had Yun Hee and Mi Cha with me because both of them have lovely winter coats and last winter we ran out of snow before I received them in the mail so I didn’t really have any chance to properly take outdoors photos of either. Especially Yun’s coat is so pretty, although IRL it’s more orange than red… but luckily I can edit it look more red in photos, haha. xD Yes, I’m a cheat…

This is one of the shoots where the photos looked better in camera than they did on my computer. x.x;; At first I couldn’t find a nice location as I went out quite late and the sun was already setting… so the light was already scarce. In some spots there was direct sunlight which made Yun’s face glow white and then in other spots it was completely dark so she looked very expressionless. -.-;;

But in the end I did get a few nice photos. :3 This pretty girl definitely needs more camera time~ ♥

The colours and lighting are all over the place, gahh… x.x;; But I don’t have the energy to edit them to look a 100% identical anymore. Three more shoots to go, phew!

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