Why I don’t like chest joints
I’ll eventually do a proper review of the Vito body’s posing, but for now I’m addressing the only major problem that I have with it. The chest joint. Otherwise this body is such a dream, it has the awesome, awesome double joints at the elbows and knees and his arms and legs have a great range of movement in general. His wrists are also very poseable and his ankles, too, but he’s still stable. My Soulkid NL body is a complete idiot with the hidden joints, his legs are even broken at the back of his knees because there’s too much strain on the hidden joints…
So, for starters I decided to take some reference photos of the chest joint, which hopefully help to explain why I’m not a fan of this trend and can only hope it dies soon. I’m all for natural posing, and chest joints are far from the natural movement of the human body.
Don’t mind the difference between Hisoka’s head and body, he’s got a normal skin head on a white skin body. The difference isn’t noticeable when he’s wigged and clothed, but this way it’s more obvious.
… yeap. I’m thankful that I no longer have a single female doll with a chest joint, ’cause things get even more difficult and ridiculous with boobs. x__x These two are my only idiots currently. But yeah, I’ll do a proper review about the Vito body’s posing later… I have lots of sewing work to do so I don’t have the time for now, next week is gonna be busy with IRL stuff.
EDIT: Look what this idiot did when I was posing him with his wife:
On kyllä melkosen härskin näkönen toi NL-kropan rintajointti! Ne ei oo selvästi tehtaalla osannu ajatella asiaa ihan loppuun asti.. XD Onneks sentään muuten toi kroppa näyttää tosi hyvältä ja ainahan sitä voi vaatteilla yrittää blokkailla pahimmat virheet! ^w^
Wow that last photo @o@. I guess the reason chest joints don’t bother me much is because I usually take more photos with clothes than without, and the torso does look more aesthetically pleasing when straight up ~ But I still have a soft spot for 1 piece torsos, especially with girls! XD
All in all I have to say I prefer waist joints over chest joints in general though. Because chest joints have a strange tendency to “swivel” around more.
I think it’s just a matter of priorities :D