Backlog XII
I haven’t really had the energy to keep this blog up to date for a change… sooo I’m just dumping here all the photos that I’ve taken to this day. x’D;; They’re mostly…
Couples in autumn
I visited Yenna yesterday and we spent a few hours rolling around the backyard with two of our couples. I mostly focused on Min Ki and Mi Cha while Yenna took more photos…
Backlog X
I’ve been busy with various things and also had problems with my computer so I haven’t been spending much time online nor had photoshoots as I can only edit a few photos at…
Backlog IX
BJD photos that I haven’t posted here yet… I’ve had a lot on my mind lately and had exams ‘n’ stuff so I haven’t had much time for photography. But I’m on my…
Backlog VII
Yet another backlog post. I’m leaving for my parents’ place later today to spend Easter there, I’ll have to see if I can get some photos taken while I’m there… I’m still undecided…
Backlog IV
I’m really bad at keeping this blog up to date, aren’t I? xD Ahh, I have so much to do with school work and now I’m sewing some clothes, too, so that takes…
Backlog II
Some more photos that I haven’t posted here yet… I recently got around repainting the Butterfly Narae faceplate so now she has a face up that’s more accurate in terms of Saki’s character.…
More from the lake
Oh right, I completely forgot to post these because in the end I only liked two photos enough to edit them. ^^; But yeah, these are from mine and Yenna‘s second trip to…
Day at the beach
Well, I visited Yenna yesterday and we decided to go see if there was a chance we could photograph our dolls at the nearby lake. Luckily there was only one mom with her…
New beginnings
After flickr renewed itself, I started feeling really disconnected with it. I really don’t like the new layout, it’s too busy, cluttered and in-your-face. It feels like yet another of those sites where…
It’s May already
I’ve been busy with exams and other things for the past few weeks and still have some exams left. In two week’s time the worst should be over and I’ll finally have time…
Between looks
I haven’t really had inspiration nor time to work on my dolls that much lately… well, now that I got a fur wig for Hisoka and cut it so that he’d have the…
Unpublished photos
Starting out by posting some recent photos that I haven’t published on DeviantArt or flickr. They’re mostly of Yun Hee, she’s been stealing my attention a lot lately… x’D One of them is…