Some of you might’ve noticed that my domain was down for a while. This was because some very bored hacker had exploited an old form I had on my page and gotten to my site that way. I got the site back up and running, but unfortunately I had to restore my blog from an older back up (from September) and I lost some content. Most notable the newest story, which I very unluckily did not save on my computer. For the first time ever I wrote it straight into the blog, instead of my computer first. I’m going to have to re-write it when I have time (though it’ll be slightly different), as well as try to remember what photos I’ve posted since… August. Luckily there isn’t that many of those because I haven’t been very active, but it’s still extra work. Sorry about that and bear with me while I try to get this back up to date.
Bored hackers hack random doll sites, lol?
Edit/ Hah, managed to restore the story from google’s cache, but the other entries’ commentary and comments are gone for good, I’ve only reposted the photos for now.
Ugh! I am so sorry to hear that! T__T =hugs= I know what it’s like to lose a hard-written story, so I hope you are able to write it back, fast! Sometimes, having to re-write it actually can make the second go around better, so here’s hoping your story turns out perfect!
But I do hate that you’ve lost so much on your blog. Ebil hackz0rz… >_>
I just don’t have any inspiration for the story now, so I need to wait for a day that I feel like it. Luckily I haven’t taken much photos since summer, so I don’t think I lost many entries besides the story.
I was more annoyed about the fact that I updated the links to the menu a few weeks ago, and added a lot of doll company links and now they’re gone. But luckily my browser still remembered them. All I had to do was click the field and it gave me a list of what I’d written before, and then I did the same for the address and matched them correctly. Phew. I would’ve been pretty pissed if I had to copypaste all of those again. x_x
Ugh, that would have been awful if those links had been lost! O_O Good thing your history was still there. What did the hacker do?! Just delete everything? Usually they just like to inject the database with crap mixed in all your stuff…. T_T I’ve actually manually picked through some injected spam to retrieve something important outta my database before doing a full re-upload. >_< I have mine do autobackups in a cronjob and I download those every so often. Speaking of which… I need to do that!!!!! O_O;;;
I’m not exactly sure what they did, since my provider turned my whole domain off during last night and I didn’t get to see it before they did that. I think they did most damage to the actual form they used to hack in (a guestbook on my site, not the blog), but I just deleted that whole thing without looking properly into it because I don’t need it. I’m not sure what they did to the blog exactly. I found a backdoor file they’d installed into the blog and deleted that, and once the provider returned my site to me, the blog just wouldn’t load at all. So some core file was probably damaged. My other blog (portfolio) was luckily undamaged because I don’t have a backup of that at all (well, I do now, lesson learned).
I’m running low on space so I haven’t had auto backups on. But I turned them on now. I’ll have to download them to my computer from time to time (at least monthly) and keep them safe there so that they don’t take up too much space on the domain.
Oh, but good news: I found the story from the google cache, so I was able to save the original text. Now I just have to re-add the images to it and I’ll be able to post the story again. Ha! And it’s not that much work to re-upload the other smaller image entries I lost.
Äh, ihan oikeasti, ihmiset… >_> Kuinka tylsistynyt pitää olla että ottaa random nukkeblogin targetikseen? Kauhean rasittavaa ja typerää, onneksi sentään jonkinmoinen versio löytyi tallennettuna, vaikka onkin elokuulta.