This one of those arrival entries… again.
I was finally able to get myself a large Azone! I’ve been seriously considering them ever since I got my first DDs, but I had some trouble getting one I wanted. My favorite faces are in the Black Raven series, but only Cecily is on the AZO2 body, which I prefer. I also like the first ver. Yui and Mahiro from the Happiness Clover series, but goddamn, they’re expensive! So, I’ve been waiting and watching quietly, until last November I managed to snatch the AZO2 body alone. However, our postal service messed up and had strikes and it took all of December to get to me -they were already sending it back to Japan (even after I’d paid the taxes for it!) until I exploded at them a little and they managed to deliver it back to me. It’s been sitting in storage since it’s arrival, while I’ve been looking at heads for it.
But now that I had the body, my options were open for the head, so I got back to the Black Raven series with my favorite faces. I watched as many older release Lilias, Lulunas and Amanes came and went -and even bid on a few, but their prices always climbed higher than what I was willing to pay. I know, there are a gazillion of the newer Lulunas and Lilias with the blonde/slightly brown hair and mismatched eyes about, but… I don’t like them. :c A head alone would’ve been ideal because I wouldn’t keep the body and the outfit probably wouldn’t fit the new body. I just recently missed out on a lot of the lovelies from the old releases (they’ve been popping up frequently lately), but that gave me hope: there are quite a bit of them on the market and they go for less than the Happiness Clover girls. Like waaay less, even with full outfits.
In the end, I didn’t get any of the releases I’d been looking at. I ended up just having to snatch this almost red-head Luluna from Mandarake, because… a red-head! And I love Luluna’s face probably the most out of these girls. I hadn’t considered this release before because she never pops up. The DS releases of the big girls are near-impossible to come about, especially for a reasonable price. :/ This girl didn’t have her stock outfit and Manda mentioned a cigarette smell, and she was still a bit more than what I was willing to pay (especially for a cigarette smelling doll without the default outfit -the ones on YAJ often end at a lower value even with an outfit). But with my birthday coming up, Mizya offered to pay a portion of her =u= ♥ so I was able to bring her home ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
Aaand everything always starts with a box:

Continue reading “Azone: A new, bigger arrival.”