I’m sorry for the lack of updates lately. I’ve been busy and it’s been rainy for photos anyway. I attented Animecon this weekend and thought I’d post a tiny little update. I’m still too tired to actually write about it properly, but let’s just say that it was my first con in 9 years. I’m a lazy con person because for me, my anime/manga hobby is quite personal and I’m not very interested in attending panels and the like. (Now, if a favorite seiyuu of mine came to Finland, I would probably travel to see him/her, although I passed on Yamaguchi Kappei-san the last time because I was broke.) However, the con came to Jyväskylä this year so I kind of HAD to visit because I live here. No excuse to pass it up. And I’m glad I didn’t. Paviljonki was an amazing place to have the con at: there was a lot of space although there were thousands of people, and it wasn’t too hot inside the building either. I especially enjoyed the sales hall and artist alley, although I’d thought I wouldn’t buy anything because of the prices (cheaper to just order online), and yet I still ended up with stuff the minute I entered the hall, whoops.
I enjoyed seeing a lot of amazing Finnish artists at the alley and took a number of business cards so that I can find their art again. I was kind of on a 0€ budget but still managed to buy some stickers because who could resist little owls? I so wanted some prints too, but just couldn’t muster the money for now.
It was also fun to spot people cosplaying characters I actually knew. Majority seemed to be characters I’ve never heard of before because I watch different kind of anime and am really picky about it, but it just made things more challenging, haha.
For a very thorough report of the con, go check out mizya’s blog post. I spent time with her throughout and also met up with Petra and Turre. However, as I was carrying a doll on Saturday and Sunday, I opted to not take my 1,2kg camera with me. Instead, I just had my reeaaaally old phone with me that does not take good photos. But good enough for me. Mizya has a lot of good photos, so go check out those.
I took Kiyori dressed as almost!Kirika with me on Saturday and Yukihi (as herself) on Sunday.
This was on Sunday with Turre, Petunia and Mizya’s dolls. We posed them for a photo because a person with a #eikiusita anti-bullying campaign banner came to ask if he could take a photo of the dolls with the banner. I totally support any anti-bullying campaign as I was a shy kid and was bullied in elementary school (not as badly as many others, though), and never completely fit in anywhere later either. I come off strong with my opinions, I know, but bullying is never okay.