Site update

I’ve just spent a few days cleaning up my domain. I was running a little low on space, so I took it upon myself to go through my photoshoots and remove anything that could be removed. As a result I freed up 590MB of domain space, so that was a lot of photos. Thousands probably. I should some day go through the stories as well and remove anything that’s not relevant for the story. And the misc/sewing/faceup folders that are full of misc stuff. Unfortunately that’s even more work and this was hard enough for now. I had to remove the links to those shoots from the galleries and update new shoots +make new images for new dolls. I definitely didn’t manage to do this sooner than last time. Lol, this update was long overdue.

BUT it’s done now, and I made a new layout for the site itself while I was at it. I don’t love it, but it works better on my resolution now that it’s centered again. I finally also admitted that I just will never write long profiles for all of my dolls, so I just removed everything I hadn’t written yet from the profile section. Maybe some day I’ll write at least Khepre, Kilbas, Llyr, Sigrun, Sindri and Sigurd, because I have them mostly thought out. Some day.

Unfortunately, some of my older images on forums, journals etc. places I’ve posted them to no longer work. I also removed a few newer shoots which means the images are broken in this blog too. I’ll go through the blog later and remove the broken entries altogether.

That’s it for now. I should do some sewing and painting.

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