Mossy Stream

Finally, Nae’s first official shoot. I’m really happy with a few photos and less than happy with the rest, but I’m planning a trip back there again in the coming days to attempt some more photos. This stream is at a nature reservation site and I had to be extra careful to not stomp on the plants and moss, so I only had a few footholds (mostly spots in the stream) and my angles were a bit limited. I also forgot to take my reflector -or more like considered it and for some unknown reason decided against it. I also want to take Nae to the deeper stream I took Kilbas/Avis photos at last year, but I think I want the weather to get warmer so that I can actually stand in the water. This stream is very shallow so rubber boots are enough, but that one is knee high and I don’t have boots that long. xD

I do think I want a warmer coloured wig for her -and I still need to re-make her tail fins but ugh, I keep failing every time.

Mosquito repellent would be a valid accessory as well. Much of my time was spent hitting my own head and I rather sure I carried multiple mosquito corpses back home with me in my hair today.

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