
I took these a few months ago when I got the inspiration to get back into sewing after the dark winter and warmed up with some pretty simple, but stylish stuff for Lilya. I could’ve sworn I posted these here but apparently not, cause they’re nowhere to be seen. xD Soo, here they are now.

I’m not able to find Lily new eyes in proper size (they always been difficult) and I’m still kind of going back and forth with her old and new heads. Well, she’s had this Souldoll head for a few years now, but I don’t have the perfect wig nor the eyes for it so it’s a bit mehh so I’m having some trouble with her. Also she is too tall for the character, but all msd bodies with the right shape and wide enough shoulders are too tall so what can I do. xD

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Went to explore my near by foresty areas with Prisca, since I’ve moved. My new place isn’t nearly as remote as my old one was, so it’s a bit more work to get to a forest but it seems to be doable. Although there are quite a lot of people around. Compared to how I could just be alone in the forest for hours without running into anyone at my old place. But oh well. I made Prisca a new outfit the other day and wanted to take some photos of it before I get lazy again. Not many poses but I’m rusty.

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Naenia is totally my muse, lol. Been two years since I’ve done a proper water shoot with her though, cause I missed my chances last year. I wanted to be a bit more ambitious with this, but unfortunately I forgot a few tools home and the sun came out in the middle. I’m really only happy with one of the photos, but the others that I bothered editing are decent enough to be posted. Still, I want to practise more. :/ In the end I couldn’t even take photos from above water cause the weather turned windy and started making such strong waves that she wouldn’t stay still (and I got cold).

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Feel the water and the wind

Ookay, it’s been ages since I’ve done anything with my dolls. Have had some bad times and health problems and just lacked any motivation. But well, this is the only time of the year I can use this location and I’ve been thinking about it for years, so I finally actually got out and went there. I’m so out of shape though that the stream yoga killed my legs. xD Also these could be better but I’m very happy with a few shots at least. :D Love water as an element.

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Season of water

Oookay, some more Nae again. But I really love shooting her and I had to go check out this stream before stuff starts growing. It’s going to be a jungle later on, and it wasn’t very easy to travel even now.
Unfortunately it also seems like Nae’s face up is pretty much dead. Lots of flaking on the coating from her repeated lake shoots. Well, I might see if it can survive a little longer and I get to try some more underwater stuff. I’d rather not re-paint her and then submerge her again. Not even sure I will be able to re-do her in a satisfactory manner. xD

Also so sorry this is even more repetitive than usual. I didn’t really have a good day this time, but I commend myself for actually biking there (3,8km), trecking through the budding jungle and spending a few hours on location after scouting the best spots. It took everything I had physically.. by the end my legs were shaking so much (from photography yoga) that I just couldn’t keep the camera stable anymore. Once I got back home I lost all strenght in my legs. xD

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Does not belong

Okay, my spring ritual is officially broken. After 8 years of doing it every spring. :/ They’re cutting down trees in the area this year and my photo location is… gone. Nothing left. They were supposed to pretty much cut down the forest behind my backyard too but the work has been delayed and they can’t do it before summer now. But they’ll continue in the fall. So, I have this summer to make use of it before probably my favorite spots are completely destroyed forever. I’m honestly very upset about it but there’s nothing I can do. I’ve left feedback and complained, but they’re gonna do what they’re gonna do. Most of my forest photo locations are going to be completely gone and it’s going to be a general mess. So, I’ve been walking in the forest now that I still can (and because they’ve already cut down paths I take on my walks and it makes me super angry) and looked for new locations for photos. I follow a swampy path next to a stream that led me here. So, this year this was a replacement for my spring ritual spot and it’s pretty nice. I hope I’ll be able to make use of it next spring as well. During summer it’s going to be an impassable jungle.

Previous 8 years of my ritual:
Hibernation (Hexia, 2019), Cold Spring (2018, Sigrun), Only Death (2017, Sigrun), Magical Green (2016, Iria), All Dead Here (2015, Prisca), Jorougumo (2014, Yami), Entangled (2013, Sigrun), Death Wood (2012, Prisca)

This time Larissa got to be my subject in her new dress.

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Freeze is coming

I took these sometime late last year when we got our first (and pretty much only) snows. I had a whole story to go with them but ehh, I’ve forgotten most of it. Main point was that the winter came and Naenia was forced to abandon her tail and don some legs until spring. She loathes winter with every fiber of her being as she also hates wearing clothes. But now that it’s cold, she has to put on layers and layer of clothes to keep warm. Can’t win here. xD She’s originally from the tropics and just can’t handle the cold, whereas my siren will just dive down to the bottom and hibernate where the temperature stays at a nice and steady 4°C.

I had two wigs for her in this shoot as neither is perfect. The dark brown one is a bit dead from the lake visits and the red one is not styled properly yet, so they both make an apprearance as I was figuring out which to use.

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Mini dolls comparison

Alrighty, comparing my minis with the new WD girl body. Some of these poses are the same as in the review, because I like to use basic mobility for review purposes. Once you know how far a joint moves in each direction, you can think up a bunch of poses. I was thinking of also putting the DIM GSE body into the lineup as well, but then decided against it as I’ve modded it heavily. She’s in some of my older comparisons, though. I can get my hands on an old Minisup girl body, Souldoll NL boy and Vito male body as well. If you want a similar comparison/review of them, do let me know.


Withdoll boy body >> Bimong classic Narin (new elbows) >> Bimong classic Narae (small bust) >> Withdoll girl body (old) L bust >> Withdoll girl body (new) D bust >> Minifee a-line large bust

Always in the same order.

Worth noting:
– I’ve sanded off the muscles on the WD boy body, but they don’t affect mobility. I’ve also removed the stopper inside his torso.
– The classic Narin is from the newer releases where Bimong re-made the elbow joints.
– The classic Narae is an older type with single joint elbows. The new releases come with the exact same joints as the Narin next to her. But they also have deeper ankles with less mobility (though I did sand mine to work like this older one).
– I’ve removed the stopper from the old WD girl’s torso
– The MNF is at least 5 years old and as FL keeps recasting their own bodies, the newer ones will be smaller, so she isn’t very accurate as height comparison.

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New junior Withdoll girl body comparison & review

I received my new Withdoll girl body and took some photos right away. I’m also planning on taking new comparisons with other company bodies as well, as I have a MNF visiting from a friend, but I had to leave town, so that will happen during the weekend.

My old girl is grey skin from 7 years ago (2011) and she has yellowed due to age. The Vampire Rachel head is also from 2011 but it’s been in a box most of this time and isn’t as yellow, but it is lighter than the new grey skin body. I’ll take nicer comparisons of the skins too, once I get back.

EDIT// Added a few bust comparisons to the end.

Old body (L bust) on the left and new body (C bust) on the right.

The two are very similar in shape, some details are different (old body has visible ribs and hip bones, new doesn’t). The arms are similar in joints as well, but the rest not so much. The new body is strung with the legs together, while the old goes from neck to ankles. Also worth noting that the new body has a thicker and a shorter neck but the torso is a little longer, so they end up the same height although the shoulders aren’t even.

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Creature of Water

I have some Sebille photos coming, but I’ve been lazy with their editing, so I’ll just put these up first. There have been taken on 3 different occasions and mixed up a bit. There are my first underwater doll photos and I’ve been practising controlling all the elements. There’s airbubbles, floating hair, floating clothes, fish, sand, sun and a lot of other things to consider while shooting and it’s not easy. My very first photos didn’t have much definition due to bad lighting, the next ones had light but the colours, exposure and sand was all over the place. Third and final session had more things right, but the sand and other floating stuff in the water is seriously the bane of my existence. ALso focusing with the camera I have is not the easiest thing and I can’t see where the focus or composition is properly as the screen reflects strangely. I would need a mask and go under myself, but I haven’t done that yet. There are some sharper photos, some grainy ones, some with a lot of ‘trash/sand’ and others with a ton of random blur, so bear with me. I still like a lot of these and do want to try again in the future, but for now I think I’ll give Nae a rest. There’s a lot of maintenance to be done after each shoot, so it’s quite labor intensive.

My dream would be to have a pool of my own where I could just set up a backdrop, some props and shoot without caring about sand and other random stuff beyond my control. I could do it, but I never have the extra money (with these heatwaves in the summer, I would love a pool of my own though xD).

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Mossy Stream

Finally, Nae’s first official shoot. I’m really happy with a few photos and less than happy with the rest, but I’m planning a trip back there again in the coming days to attempt some more photos. This stream is at a nature reservation site and I had to be extra careful to not stomp on the plants and moss, so I only had a few footholds (mostly spots in the stream) and my angles were a bit limited. I also forgot to take my reflector -or more like considered it and for some unknown reason decided against it. I also want to take Nae to the deeper stream I took Kilbas/Avis photos at last year, but I think I want the weather to get warmer so that I can actually stand in the water. This stream is very shallow so rubber boots are enough, but that one is knee high and I don’t have boots that long. xD

I do think I want a warmer coloured wig for her -and I still need to re-make her tail fins but ugh, I keep failing every time.

Mosquito repellent would be a valid accessory as well. Much of my time was spent hitting my own head and I rather sure I carried multiple mosquito corpses back home with me in my hair today.

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A Death Song

Woo, I finally received my Narae order from Bimong last week and got straight to work with her. I’ve had her tail piece since before I ordered her, but I had to mod the waist to make her fit on it. I can’t wait for the snows to melt and the weather to get warmer to actually get nice photos of her. A good wig would be on the agenda too, but I first have to message some wig makers and gather up the funds. I haven’t finished all of her blushing yet and these photos are really dark and all, so not the best. But I just can’t help but to play with her. x3

I’ll make a separate entry of her modding, dyeing and stuff once I get good face up photos taken.

So yes, this is Naenia or Nae for short. Her name means death song or funeral song pretty much. She’s a Naiad, which is a type of a nymph that preys on humans and animals too. Similar to Siren but she’s not quite as predatory and not as resistant to cold.

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Waiting for the girlfriend

Ooh, I managed to put my winter gear on and grab a doll and a camera yesterday. I still have other dolls I should photograph as well since we’ve had an exceptionally pretty winter so far. The only problem is that because it’s been cold, all the snow is powdery and there’s too much of it for most dolls. Like I wanted to take some photos of my noodle as well but nope, it’s too steep.

Sorry about the slightly boring.

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