Just chilling

Thought I’d take some simple photos of Ye Rin since I have her on a body right now. I just felt like taking her out, and then realized that I sold her eyes and never got her any replacements, so I had to quickly make her a pair. They look very good in her, surprisingly, but unfortunately I scratched them by trying them in her before they were completely cured, so I have to make her another pair. That’ll take a while because I ran out of rubber gloves and my last batch of bases didn’t turn out great, lol. Anyway, she has temp eyes now that look surprisingly good in photos.

But. I’m going crazy trying to find her a body. I’ve found one I’d like, but the company stopped making urethane resin, and I’m veeery hesitant going for french/imported/whatevertheywannacallit, because I just don’t like the look of it. Especially in pale skintones. But at the same time I can’t find any 2nd hand dolls on the specific body nor can I find anything else plausible. Dikadoll has an okay body but it has a bood joint ofc. And everything else is just not good enough for me. There are plenty in the 60cm category that I could use, but their shoulders are not wide enough, so Yerin needs to be 63cm+. And even with the Loongsoul body I’d like, I’d have to re-shape the chest and get it different hands and feet (and there’s a possibility that the neck and shoulders aren’t wide enough).

Damn, do I want to get her a body. It’s not satisfying at all borrowing this for her because I can’t make her much clothes (she wears pants) as they might not fit her actual body when I get it. And this one doesn’t have shoes available for it because of Zeniths giant feet. And Ye Rin likes shoes. :/ Let’s not even mention that the Zenith body is literally all leg. I hate that in a doll (though might be unavoidable for 63cm female bodies anyway). It’s just not nicely proportioned for my human characters at all. I don’t mind it for Sigrun and Iria but Ye Rin just can’t do it.

Took some simple portraits of her yesterday. She looks a bit blank though, and it might be the eyes. I’mma try making her another size too when I make her new ones. (And also the fact that the sculpt doesn’t smile much and I couldn’t force it due to the deep mouth.)

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Judge of hell

Introducing my new arrival. This character has been in the plans for years and I’ve had this head for him since 2018, so 5 years. I’ve been waiting to get him a grey body eventually, so I couldn’t paint the face and borrow a body for him either, as his head would then need to be dyed. Anyway, fast forward to late last year when Dream Valley released this gorgeous thing. My friend mizya, linked it to me and I couldn’t resist. Such long slim limbs :D :D Hooves are always a plus, tho I do like cloven feet more. Aaanyway, put him on a 6 month layaway and he arrived last month. I would’ve loved him in the color in the promo pictures, but unfortunately that was only for the fullset, so I had to make do with just normal grey.

I have the Apocalypse head obviously as well, and I did some mods to it, but I haven’t painted yet because I’m not yet sure what character I’ll make him out to be. I actually had to reserve all character and design plans for after I got him because I didn’t know if the Souldoll head would work (and if I’d manage to dye it) or if I’d have to use his original head etc. I also ordered the skull head and horns (because ofcourse I did, I’ve wanted a Chalco headpiece forever) but Alice forgot to put it in the order and it’s now coming in later as DV was nice enough to let them order one way later.

When I got him I was surprised how tall he was, lol. He’s slightly taller than Cin (who is an Idealian75), but much more in the 70cm doll sizing otherwise, as he is very slim and long. So glad the torso is also very long and it’s not all in the limbs. He’s also extremely good quality, all the seams are sanded and he’s just super smooth. So smooth in fact that when I loosened his strings I had to suede him and also did some coating to give him a bit more tooth. Still playing with the tension but he’s better for me to handle now.

I took some photos of him as a whole: of the paintjob and first outfit he got. The whole design pretty much happened as I was doing it. I couldn’t plan the face up before I dyed the head because I knew it wouldn’t be fully even (my Souldoll dye jobs never dye evenly) and I might have to give him markings of some kind. Which yeah, I had to do. :P They play into his story, no worries. I also got this antique gold paint recently and I’m quite obsessed with it as it applies so evenly with just a brush. In the end this color theme ended up an accident as well. It’s very similar to Llyr’s but can’t be helped. (Actually Llyr isn’t restricted to blacks and golds but I just haven’t made him new clothes in years :’D poor guy.)

Sooo… this is Agreas (Agri for short):

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I took these a few months ago when I got the inspiration to get back into sewing after the dark winter and warmed up with some pretty simple, but stylish stuff for Lilya. I could’ve sworn I posted these here but apparently not, cause they’re nowhere to be seen. xD Soo, here they are now.

I’m not able to find Lily new eyes in proper size (they always been difficult) and I’m still kind of going back and forth with her old and new heads. Well, she’s had this Souldoll head for a few years now, but I don’t have the perfect wig nor the eyes for it so it’s a bit mehh so I’m having some trouble with her. Also she is too tall for the character, but all msd bodies with the right shape and wide enough shoulders are too tall so what can I do. xD

Continue reading “Fashionable”

Cold but never freezing

Ohh yes, had inspiration to design an outfit for Yami and since I bought myself a new sewing machine, I was also able to add some decorative stitches to the hem (and the back flap but I messed that up, so we will not talk about it) and it was just so nice to sew. Well, most of it was made with the old machine, but I waited to finish it until I got the new one. :D I should’ve wired her arms for the shoot, though because the thick sleeves prevented her from bending her arms properly. There were a few poses I wanted to do but her arms just would not stay. So, I may re-shoot her if the weather keeps being nice, but other than that, yay, went outside for photos!

Also the outfit is actually meant to just be worn with the pants but since there is no way she would stand in the snow on her own, I made the fake underskirt (it snaps into place in front and back) to cover her stand, lol.

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Fields of Hay

Spotted these fluffy hays while walking my cat and thought they’d make a lovely doll backdrop for an evening shoot. Well, more like night shoot. I forgot to stalk the sun and only realized after 10PM that the sun was no longer giving a nice warm glow to that spot (not sure what time of the evening would be the best for that anyway). Well, I did make use of the sunset sky with some backlit photos but… yeah.
Iria also doesn’t have any new clothes, so I layered a bunch of her and Sigrun’s skirts together with Ye Rin’s shirt and got this outfit put together. I rather like it as a set. :3

Slightly repetitive because I had a hard time narrowing these down. xD

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I got my Cuartosdolls Nebo last week and this is his/hers(?) first official shoot. I haven’t decided on a name (or gender) for him, but I’ll be getting there (I’ll change the tag once I’ve decided on the name). Wanted to get him home before deciding on anything and that’s good, since he is a bit too small to be paired up with a doll as big as Sigrun. I had this shoot in mind when I ordered him… or more like I ordered him because I could just see this shoot in my mind’s eye. Though, since his colour theme changed a bit and he’s smaller than imagined, it’s not exactly how I pictured it. The last poses are closest to what I had in mind. He’ll likely end up in the same story with my Withdolls because he’s better sized with them… more specifically Delmia. Oh, I already have plans…

But yes, I ordered him in very pale grey resin, but didn’t realize to say that I would’ve preferred him in the same opaque metallic resin as the darkhorns. Since the sample image was just his head I didn’t realize my mistake. But no matter: I corrected the problem by cursing myself to endless re-painting of his spines (it’s already scratched!). =___=;; By giving him colour, the translucency isn’t as prominent and I like him better. His colour theme had to change too, because silver paint was too cold. He is a very interesting colour: by himself and on my hands he seems very much white, but when he’s put with other dolls or on a certain colour background, he clearly turns grey. At last weekend’s meetup he seemed to camouflage himself into the floors of the room. xD

Oh and yes, Sigrun is the main lead in this shoot, she even has a new dress for it. :’D I’m sorry it’s a bit repetitive. It was sinfully hot again and it literally took me 4 hours to take 100 photos because I had to take several breaks inbetween just to not die.

Continue reading “Echoes”

Cold Spring

Doing my spring thing again. With Sigrun for the third time just because I’ve been itching to photograph her in this outfit that I finished a couple of weeks ago. I would’ve like to photograph her somewhere with rocks but I don’t have a place like that close by, except for the landfill area but the road there is still in bad condition after the winter. So, I decided this place is just as good. These are a bit repetitive because she is not a very stable poser and that scythe is heavy. At one point I was really concentrated on posing her and suddenly a frickin’ mouse ran right between her legs (under that fallen tree) all “squeak squeak squeak”! Geez, that scared the hell outta me. And a little later some bird suddenly flew right behind me into the bushes and fluttered around. I scolded it but it didn’t seem to listen. >:/ Like, animals, do u have to do surprise runs by me when I’m really concentrated on something? My heart does not like. (Birds are one thing but seriously, a mouse?)

There’s actually a reason Sigrun has Tanith’s scythe, but I’ve been really useless with my Llyr stories, so I haven’t explained it yet. Not that it’s an amazing reason for anything, but yeah.

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Snow steed

I’ve had this idea for years. Actually ever since before I got Sigrun (but after I’d ordered her). I did a painting of her where she was riding a snow horse, so… yeah. Unfortunately I suck at ‘sculpting’ snow and the horse is more like a foal with weird proportions. And it’s tilted. I might re-do this some day or not. But I do like the Sigrun close ups here. It was really windy so her wig was flying and it gave this little extra “oomph” to the photos. :D

I also have a new doll (my grail DD I never thought I’d get), but I haven’t been able to afford to order wigs or think about eyes and I don’t know when she’ll have a body of her own or anything so, we’ll see when I introduce her. It’s not like she can’t borrow wigs but the eyes are a little more problematic. Especially because I’d like her to be at least half-demon and I want specific eyes for her which are nearly impossible to find at the moment. >_>

But anyway, Sigrun photos:

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So, after yesterday’s doll meet myself, tursaantarha, Petunia & umizya headed to this stream called Korkeakoski (literally: high rapids) which is very close to the tea house. I’ve wanted to shoot here for a long time but it’s quite far from my home and not close to any other place I usually go to, so this was a great chance. Though, I would’ve been much happier with rubber boots and the doll I had planned on taking here in the first place. But this was a good preview to what I could do if I get to come back some time.

I got wet, my feet were on ice (took off my shoes and socks) and Yami got wet too. But there were wild raspberries we picked before the shoot so that was nice. xD I also only had a few poses and there weren’t too many possible angles without freezing my feet completely in the ice water so yeah. Some day I’ll go there again. ♥

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Only Death

My spring tradition continues. Last year I took Iria to this location and now it’s Sigrun again for a second time. Out of necessity. I’d like to take a doll I haven’t taken there before but I didn’t have a fitting new outfit for anyone else. Hexia would’ve been nice to take because she’s my newest full doll, but I like there to be a long dress or something for this location and she doesn’t do dresses. I should make her some sort of a leathe-badass-warrior outfit set with a hem or something, but I need to design that first. But maybe next year. Her colours would fit right in. While with Sigrun I had to alter the colour tone quite a bit because she only works cold tones well.

I had completely forgotten what an absolute pain she is to shoot outside. For whatever reason it’s really hard to focus on her face, so it tends to be blurry a lot. However, it might’ve been a little easier today since I touched up her face up a few days ago, as it had faded a lot. I also have only once managed to reflect light into her eyes properly -despite a reflector setup. Indoors it’s a lot easier but outside they just tend to be dark blobs, although they’re gorgeous in person. And let’s not even talk about her neck doing whatever it wants although I’ve sueded it. Sigh. I should also re-string her arms. But well, she’s certainly not the hardest doll to work with that I own, but it’s just outside she’s a pain. Indoor photos of her are so much easier.

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Ye Rin

Okay, I don’t think I’ve introduced my newest girl here yet, although I got her head like last year already. I’ve had a lot of trouble with her and it’s still not all resolved. I love her character (she’s from mine and Mizya’s RP) and the Souldoll Jina head is pretty accurate for her after a few mods. She could be more smiley but trying to find a certain kind of looking Asian female head that smiles is near impossible. Oasisdoll has a lot of smiley girls but unfortunately none of them suit Ye Rin’s features, so here we are.

She’s currently on Iria’s idiotic body which is not helping me any. Despite all the mods on the body, it’s annoying to handle and the super long model legs are really not doing good things for my human characters -with the fantasy ones I don’t really care. Plus her hands are just… ugh (=stupid-ass finger poses you can do nothing with). They’re fine for Iria but not for Ye Rin. Zeniths also have giant feet so I can’t get any appropriate shoes for her (she likes shoes a lot).
Other than the body issues, I’ve had problems with her face up (fixed parts of it but might need to be completely re-done), wig and eyes. I first had her with a temporary fiber wig and that was just horrible, though I managed to make it decent with some styling. But yeah, it wasn’t right at all. I ordered her a custom one and now my main problem is that it looks nice in person but in photos it just looks like a frizzy black blob. But I can’t exactly give her a lighter wig because her hair is black. The problem with the eyes is pretty much the same and I have to brighten them tons afterwards. I might just solve that problem by getting her lighter brown eyes. They’ll make her more expressive, even though they’re not 100% right for the character. Gotta make compromises, I guess.

I am hoping I’d be able to afford to order her a body some time this year because I have some expensive things on preorder later this year, so I’d need to conjure up some hobby money from somewhere. It also has several months of a wait time and I have no idea if it’ll match her skin tone well, but… all of my hybrids are kind of risks and they’ve worked out. Really, I tend to buy them with the research and mindset of “Well, company Y matches my head and X matches Y, so they ought to be close. The shoulder width is about the same as company Z too, okay, we’ll go with that”.

This is the end result right now. With a lot of editing afterwards to get the eyes to show up as something other than black pits. She has kind of too much eyeliner for her character too, but I’m not yet sure if I wanna re-do the face. Cause like I said before: I don’t like painting at the moment. I’d rather try lighter eyes before re-doing the face up. She should also be more smiley, but I can’t do much more with the sculpt.

Continue reading “Ye Rin”

Born of Winter

I forced myself to go outside for some overdue winter photos yesterday. It was a nice Sunday so it had to be done. I’m not feeling very inspired despite the nice weather, but I did have a good time at least and it resulted in some decent photos. I should work on her new headdress and do some airbrushing, since I bought more paints on Saturday, but I haven’t gotten to those yet. Slowly, but surely…

Sorry they’re a bit repetitive. I should really take more than one doll out at once, but it’s more hassle and I don’t really have many I could take. Unless I continued my stories, but they’d require some creative solutions. x_x

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