I got my Cuartosdolls Nebo last week and this is his/hers(?) first official shoot. I haven’t decided on a name (or gender) for him, but I’ll be getting there (I’ll change the tag once I’ve decided on the name). Wanted to get him home before deciding on anything and that’s good, since he is a bit too small to be paired up with a doll as big as Sigrun. I had this shoot in mind when I ordered him… or more like I ordered him because I could just see this shoot in my mind’s eye. Though, since his colour theme changed a bit and he’s smaller than imagined, it’s not exactly how I pictured it. The last poses are closest to what I had in mind. He’ll likely end up in the same story with my Withdolls because he’s better sized with them… more specifically Delmia. Oh, I already have plans…
But yes, I ordered him in very pale grey resin, but didn’t realize to say that I would’ve preferred him in the same opaque metallic resin as the darkhorns. Since the sample image was just his head I didn’t realize my mistake. But no matter: I corrected the problem by cursing myself to endless re-painting of his spines (it’s already scratched!). =___=;; By giving him colour, the translucency isn’t as prominent and I like him better. His colour theme had to change too, because silver paint was too cold. He is a very interesting colour: by himself and on my hands he seems very much white, but when he’s put with other dolls or on a certain colour background, he clearly turns grey. At last weekend’s meetup he seemed to camouflage himself into the floors of the room. xD
Oh and yes, Sigrun is the main lead in this shoot, she even has a new dress for it. :’D I’m sorry it’s a bit repetitive. It was sinfully hot again and it literally took me 4 hours to take 100 photos because I had to take several breaks inbetween just to not die.

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