“Kilbas was on his way to his home cave from having spent several months on official business in a different dimension, and decided that this was as good a place as any to rest, before continuing onwards. He was traveling light: just his weapons, better clothes, waterskin and a bear hide for warmth. It was all he needed to survive in this harsh winter wilderness.”
I couldn’t resist. It’s been a while since I put any effort into photography, but I got this fur piece from mizya yesterday and it’s been snowing non-stop since last night, so the weather was great for photos, too. And I’ve had this photo idea for a while now. If I had winter gear for some of my other dolls, I would’ve made it into a photostory. But nope, not this time. Maybe some day I’ll find good fantasy appropriate winter fabrics that inspire me to sew for… well almost everyone needs winter gear.
Ahhh!! Kilbas! Oh, how I love Kilbas~ Oh, these photos are stunning and I love the concept! And and… that fur cloak! Perfection!!! Simply beautiful! ^__^
Thank you~ I should add some sort of a closing to the pelt to make it easier for him to wear. :’D
Ah!! O_O I didn’t even notice the lack of a closure! I was so enamoured by the cloak itself, that little detail just didn’t present itself to me, lol! I admit, though, now that you’ve brought it to my attention, that a penannular brooch would look gorgeous on that cloak, lol! =flails=
Kilbas is so gorgeous @o@ I love the snow, it looks so gently sprinkled all over his coat!
I can’t believe you made a tiny fire, it’s so cute! x3
Thank you. :3 It was such a nice weather, tho at times it was snowing so much I was afraid the fire would go out. And other times the wind was blowing so much I was hoping the doll wouldn’t catch fire. xD